How do I uninstall the SwiftModders WHMCS Feature Request Module?

We are so sorry to see you go! While you are uninstalling the SwiftModders WHMCS Feature Request module, we hope you will take some time to provide feedback on how well we did. You can always contact us with your feedback!

1. Deactivating the SwiftModders WHMCS Feature Request module

Uninstalling modules from WHMCS is relatively simple! To get started, you will need to log in to your WHMCS admin portal and navigate to “Setup” > “Addon Modules.” Next, scroll down the list until you find “SwiftModders WHMCS Feature Requester.” You should see a “Deactivate” button next to the listing.

Uninstall the SwiftModders WHMCS Feature Request module

Click on the “Deactivate” button, and the module will be deactivated, and all associated MySQL database tables will be dropped.

2. Remove the module folder from your server

It’s never a good idea to leave module folders on your installation if you’re not actively updating them. The best way to ensure the security of your WHMCS installation is to remove the module folder. You can find the module folder in this location:


Again, we are sorry to see you go, and we thank you for your support!

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